Bentley HAMMER CONNECT Edition Help

Pressure Zone Export Dialog Box

This dialog allows you to associate pressure zones with zones using representative elements.

The table of export data contains a row for each pressure zone, as well as a row for the boundary elements. The first column specifies the pressure zone. The second column specifies the zone, specified by you, to assign the elements of the pressure zone to. This comun consists of pull-down menus containing all of the model's zones. Additionally, there is an ellipsis (...) button that will bring up the Zone Manager if you need to add/remove/modify the model's zones (see Zones for more information). The third column is informational. It lists the representative element for the selected zone, which is specified in the Pressure Zone Manager (see Using the Pressure Zone Manager).

The special <Boundary Elements> pressure zone contains all of the boundary elements for every pressure zone. The other pressure zones each contain all of the elements in that pressure zone, excluding the boundary elements that seal off that pressure zone.

If you do not assign a zone to each pressure zone in the table before clicking the OK button, a warning will appear prompting you to do so.

The two Options radio buttons are mutually exclusive. "Overwrite Existing Zones" specifies that all elements in the pressure zones will be assigned to the corresponding zone chosen in the table. "Only Update Unassigned Zones" specifies that only those elements in the pressure zone that are not currently assigned to any zone will be assigned to the corresponding zone in the table. The exception is the <Boundary Elements> pressure zone, which will always be exported as if the "Overwrite Existing Zones" option is selected.

The "Highlight Pressure Zone In Drawing" toolbar button causes the elements of the pressure zone in the current row of the table to be highlighted in the drawing. This option gives allows you to see what elements are going to be affected by the export operation.